We Create Startups.


Our Vision

To bring about, harness, and cause change that makes for a better world for all


Our Mission

Enable society to harness technology through cutting edge digital ventures for the common good

Our Goal

To create and deliver social value through innovative digital-first ventures

We are an incubator of ‘Cause-Venture’ startups


FirstRays Ventures is our next step moving forward into the digital space. As a company we aim to create and invest into different ideas which are purely digital & mobile first. Till now, our legacy has always been ‘cause’ oriented. We have always strived to give back to our society to the best of our ability and FirstRays Ventures plans to take this belief & commitment of ours into the new era of the digital world. We firmly believe that everyone who is capable enough should be invested in empowering our society. This is the only way forward towards achieving balanced growth. FirstRays Ventures is our way of coming forward for empowering the existing and upcoming generations. We plan to divulge into different ideas which align with our core philosophy. We are not just any another newly founded digital company.

Small Action.
Big Impact.

Sharp Focus

To create and deliver social value through innovative digital first ventures.

Team Game

To build a team of passionate individuals who work tirelessly towards a shared vision and a common goal.


Growth Oriented

Building the right ecosystem to grow businesses that can positively impact society.

Future Ready

To always be future-ready as the world changes.

“FirstRays will create, invest-in & promote responsible digital ventures!”

Rohit Pande

rohit pande

Are You

Solving today’s problems for a better tomorrow?

Please mail us your pitch deck as a PDF attachment only.  [Not more than 5 MB]


152, 1st floor, A-wing, Panchshil Plaza, Hughes Road, Gamdevi, Mumbai, India.


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